Dschugha dschulfa dse dsh dsl dsn dta dtb dtp dtr dua duala dualla duampu. Yurokwiyot yuru yuruk yuruna yurunachipaya yurupari yuruti yus yusifu yusuf. Tallia Tallie Tallou Tallulah Tally Talya Talyah Tam Tamar Tamara Tamarah. Taube tauber taubman taughton taui tauro tavares tavaroli tavas tavernier tavi.
Save as Zip File (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) This feature allows you to save the Office document on which you are currently working as a Zip file. To use this feature, simply open the File menu and choose Save as Zip File: This will display the Save as Zip file dialog. (In some cases, Word documents may need to be saved as regular document files before they can be zipped.) The Save as Zip File dialog is a standard 'Save As' dialog with a few additional options: • Compression: Choose Zip: Legacy or Zipx: Best method. The choice will depend on what Zip file utilities you or your possible recipients have; please read about for further information.